Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Concept Explanation

Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

  • All living organisms are made up of cells. And based on the kind of cells they are made up of, they are divided into two groups: ‘prokaryotes’ and ‘eukaryotes’.
  • Organisms whose cells lack a nuclear membrane are called Prokaryotes (Pro = primitive and Karyon = Nucleus).
  • Examples of prokaryotes are bacteria and blue-green algae.
  • The organisms with cells having well defined nucleus are called Eukaryotes.
  • They are further divided into Plant Cell and Animal Cell.
  • Prokaryotic cells divide by the method of binary fission and budding.
  • Binary fission is the process of division in which cell divide and give rise to two daughter cells. Budding on the other hand is the process in which new organism develop from an outgrowth and bud.
  •     Feature

       Prokaryotic Cell

        Eukaryotic Cell


    Size generally small (1-10) µ m:

    1µ m = 10-6 m

    Size generally large (10-100) µ m

        Nuclear region

    Lacks nuclear membrane and nuclear region.

    Well defined & surrounded by a double layered nuclear membrane.



    More than one.

       Cell Organelles

    Membrane bound cell organelles absent.

    Membrane bound cell organelles present. like mitochondria, plastids etc

       Cell Division

    Takes place by binary fission or budding

    Takes place by mitotic or meiotic cell division.


    Found in bacteria, blue green algae etc The incipient nucleus sometimes referred to as a nucleoid refers to the prokaryote immature nucleus. Cyanobacteria is also known as blue green algae which has incipient nucleus and vesicles containing chlorophyll.

    Found in fungi, plants and animals

      Locomotion   In prokaryotic cells there are present one or more flagella.  In case of eukaryotes, there may be present flagella and cilia.
    Structure of Cell
    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    In the eukaryotic cell _____________ is not a membranous compartment.

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    Cell division occur in prokaryotes by the method of _____________________

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Organisms having well defined nucleus membrane are known as ________________

    Right Option : C
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